
Aim for 100% of our packaging to be re-used, recycled or compostable

We are determined to achieve a dramatic reduction through a mix of innovation and working with suppliers.

Plastic – We return single use plastic trays to growers and some plants are now sold in recyclable pots. 

Alternatives to plastic – Wherever possible we continue to source products that are produced from recycled materials, renewable sources or that are eco-friendly.  Some cuddly toys we stock are made from recycled plastic bottles and we also sell recycled glassware

Compostable carrier bag - We introduced compostable bags in 2018 that are chargeable. All monies for these bags go to ‘Green Fingers Charity’ – a charity supported by the gardening industry that builds gardens in children’s hospices across the country. This bag can be re-used at home as a kitchen caddy liner and is up to 50% cheaper than buying caddy liners on a roll.

Car Boot Liner – We offer a waxed paper boot liner (free of Charge) to all customers. This will on average last for 3 visits to the centres and can be composted after use.

Cardboard box recycling – we will continue to offer used cardboard boxes and plant trays in our till halls. These will be subject to availability.

Saving paper - All our customer toiles now have effective hand driers saving waste on paper towels.  We are also committed to cutting down on paper-based marketing with most of our external marketing being electronic.